Journal Entry 2

Date: 5.3.2024

Invested hours: 4-5

Outcome: a small level where I tried different parts of 2d game kit


I myself am a completionist/collector type of gamer, I wanted my first level to encapsulate that. So I made the way to progress through it is to collect 4 keys and go through the teleporter in the beginning. Two of the keys are obtainable by completing a small and simple platforming session and a fighting arena. The other two are secret ones, one is an homage to Ready Player One, and the second is a Doom 2 style secret. 

My intentions with this level weren't to create the best gaming experience possible, but to instead to play around with different parts of the game kit and add a little bit of everything.

I still wasn't that comfortable with the controls, so simple navigation through the level took me a lot of time, and I still wasn't able to fully implement every idea I had in mind. Things I am planning to improve in this level is to add one more key, that would require a puzzle to be solved, using boxes and pressing pads with doors. Also, sometimes after dying player falls outside of the map, so I have to figure out a way for it to never happen. 

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Mar 06, 2024

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